The Weekend started with Leisa asking us to babysit.
Of course it wasn't Cole they wanted to leave -
it was Cordi.
Now Crystal wants a dog of her own.
She loved it.
Crystal did all the tending because we went on to our next adventure.
Things worked out for us to borrow John Henry's truck and trailer
so we helped Isaac and family move to Moscow Idaho.
Isaac is attending Law School there.
1500 miles of driving there and back.
We saw beautiful Mountains
Rolling Wheat Fields
and Snow.
I tried to entertain the girls while they did all the packing.
Isaac found them a trailer house to live in
It is in a nice park close to school.
We sure are going to miss them.
But we love blogs and emails and phone calls.
Whenever our kids move away from us we
get that same feeling we had when we sent them on missions
or off to college or they got married.