Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Thankfulness's

Thanksgiving was fun
Thanks for all who came - I am thankful for family
We had delicious food and Great company - I am thankful my family are my friends

Xander and Heidi came to play - I am thankful for grandkids that are so fun and innocent

My nephew Jed got his mission call He is going to Toronto, Canada the 4th of Feb
My uncle Hal and my brother Lloyd both served in that mission - I am thankful for the church and missionary work.

These apples looked so bad but a friend gave them to Grandpa Noyes so I had to do something with them. They made the most wonderful bottled apples and apple pie filling
- I am thankful for the plentiful harvest we had this year. It is such a blessing to have your freezer and shelves full.

Thanks for the part you each play in our lives.